
I would like to welcome you to my blog page. Here you can find encouragement from God's word, recepies, craft ideas, home schooling ideas, and ideas on Godly womanhood and motherhood. So please feel free to look around....
God's Love and Blessings

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Do you like to talk??? Silly question to ask a woman I know. We as women love to speak. Speak about anything from the weather, our hair, home school, to the dust bunnies in the corner. Women speak close to 5,000 words per day, and some much much more . That is a lot of jabber.
Have you ever said anything you wish you could take back? Another silly question as well. We all have. I think that my mouth overloads my brain. We often go back and think ,"Why on earth did I say that?" I think that Sari soon to be Sarah felt that way. She told Abram to take Hagar as his wife so he could have a son through her. Of course we all know what happened. As soon as Hagar conceived she began to taunt Sari. Sari became furious and treated her unkindly. Neither woman was in the right, but I want to look at Sari. If she had just trusted God and kept her big mouth shut. It sure would have saved her a lot of trouble. Wow!!! That speaks volumes to me. How about you???

Proverbs 10:19 says this: When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.

None of us want to be fools. However, when we talk too much we often wind up with that being thought of us. Sin lurks, and when we babble on about things using many words it will always find a foothold. We must be careful to choose our words with wisdom.
May the Lord help us all to curb our tongues this week, and help us to consider our words carefully.

Gods Love and Blessings

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Prepare For The Rain

I would like to tell you a little parable that I heard on a movie the other day. There were once two farmers. The land in which they lived was dry and parched. The new years crops would die if rain didn't come soon. Things seemed hopeless, and worry filled their hearts. Each farmer prayed to the Lord for rain. The first farmer prayed and prayed for the rain , but did little else. He simply prayed and waited. The second farmer also prayed for the rain to come. However, he then went to his field and began to prepare it for the rain.
Which do you think had faith? The second right? When times are rough and there seems to be no rain in sight and the earth of our lives is dry and cracked we need to pray for the life giving rain from the Father. There is no doubt about that. Let us remember to be like that second farmer. Once we have prayed for the rain we must then go and prepare our fields for it. The Lord, in His time, will send the rain. We must trust His timing and care for us. Often we go through hard times not because of sin in our lives, but because the Lord wants to show His power and might in our lives. The story of the blind man from John 9:1-23 reminds us of that.
What is your field like today? Perhaps the Lord has sent your rain. Your fields are green and lush. Praise Him!!!! Give Him all the glory!!! Perhaps the rain has not fallen yet. Your fields are dry and dusty. Praise Him!!!!! Wait expectantly for the miracles He has for you, and give Him all the Glory when they come. The Lord hears the cries of the righteous. Go today and prepare your fields for His rain and praise Him as you wait patiently for it to come.