
I would like to welcome you to my blog page. Here you can find encouragement from God's word, recepies, craft ideas, home schooling ideas, and ideas on Godly womanhood and motherhood. So please feel free to look around....
God's Love and Blessings

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reading Comprehension

I have often wondered at my son's ability to read wonderfully, but not retain one word. I never had that problem growing up. If it was a story I could retell it. His father has the same problem though. He often has to reread a passage to fully retain it. I wanted to find a way to train my son to recall easily what has been read. I found workbooks and countless other things that simply didn't work for him. Here is what I came across that did work, and has worked quite well.

If you can start out when your children first are learning to read this is so much easier. I was unable to do so. Begin with smaller books. Read the story to your child and have them tell you the story back. This is called narration. Encourage them to draw a picture about what you have read when they are too young to write. When they are a little older have them discuss with you what you have read. We will talk about several chapters of a book for several weeks and simply continue to build until the book is complete. We re discuss everything we read many times this way. Once this is mastered have them write their narration down. Increase the difficulty level of the material read over time. Include school texts as well. This method works!!! It takes patients on the parents part, but over time you will see a great improvement. You will eventually be able to turn them loose with a text and have them write or discuss with you what they have read on their own. This narration style of comprehension teaching lays the ground work for all sorts of memory work. It is well worth your time and effort to give it a try I promise. Remember, not every method works for every child. Find what does and go at it full tilt.

Happy Teaching

Monday, July 28, 2008

Being a Fit Helper

Today I would like to address the idea of being a fit helper. "The role of being a perfectly fit helper does not make one inferior to the leader." (Debbie Pearl) The world today has filled women's heads with the utterly stupid idea that being someones helper makes you less of an important person. Somehow helping someone in a task and not being the ramrod makes you less of a person. We as Godly wives and women need to realize that Satan wants us to view our role as a help meet this way. It often stops our husbands from leading the family or enables them to continue in the non active role they already take. This stagnates and makes the family unit totally ineffective. Exactly what the evil one wants. Satan will not come at us with a pitchfork and flaming red tail complete with horns. We would see him right off. He comes to us in a beautiful package that twists the Truth of God just enough to play to our weaknesses and selfish desires. He wants nothing more than to make your husbands role a leader the most appealing job you've ever seen. He wants you to think that both husband and wife must work outside the home, and that the noble job that is rightfully ours is thankless and beneath us. He whispers in our ears that our talents could be used so much more else where. I could go on and on with only the lies he whispered in my ears. The point is that they are LIES. They go against the very word and will of God.

Now that we have addressed that the world and Satan wish to keep us down and beneath the noble position that the Lord would have us fill. I would like to give you an example. I worked for a wonderful couple in a local photography business for almost 11 years. I started there when I was 19. I love this couple like they are my family. I have watched their children grow, one from 5 years old and the other from 5 months old into wonderful young people. In working for them I eventually did everything except organize the wedding layouts, pay the bills, and write the pay checks. I was their helper. I did what ever was needed when it was needed. Nothing was too much to ask. I would have painted the Empire State building with a makeup brush if either of them had asked. I tried to anticipate the needs of the studio before they were ever voiced. Nothing was menial about my job. The studio became our studio. It was never just theirs in my eyes. I knew every little detail I could take care of for them helped ease their stress and freed them for other tasks. I learned every nuance of the business from taking out the trash to working on the $35,000.00 equipment. In cleaning up the shooting room after a crazy session I never felt below my friend Craig. NEVER!!! I never felt more important then him either. We worked as a perfectly oiled machine. A team. He, his wife and I knew what the others were thinking often before it was ever said. We had a common goal and a drive to accomplish it like no other. Sounds like the perfect dream huh??? Well, we had problems over the almost 11 years. However, it was nothing that the love and true Godly friendship we had for each other didn't see us through. We had been through it all.

How many of us as wives attack the role as helper with this type of dedication? I know I didn't. Did they ask me to do things sometimes that didn't make much sense to me? You bet. You can also bet the farm that I did what ever they asked, the way they asked, and when they asked. Do we show the same obedient courtesy to the mates the Lord has given us for life? I would like to leave you with a scripture to chew on until the next time I write. 1 Cor. 11:8-9 says," For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man."

Try These

Make a new habit: think of ways you can be a fit helper to your husband and get started right away.

Get Serious

Look up these words in your Bible. Write the verses in a journal and ask God to work each of these out in your life and to mold them into your character.

Virtue, Graciousness, Wisdom, Prudence and Goodness.

God's love and blessings be yours today and every day.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

God's Gift

Have you ever considered that we are God's gift to our husbands? I don't think that I ever had until I read Created to Be His Help Meet by Debbie Pearl. A super book. If you don't have a copy get one it will change your life and your marriage! In this set of articles I want to give you a little taste of the book and my journey. Perhaps it will help and encourage you in yours.
Any way. Back to being God's gift to our men. It sounds funny doesn't it? We often hear that term used in a bad manner. "He thinks he's God's gift to women"' or vise versa. It really is true though. If you are like me, I had, and still do from time to time, have a low opinion of myself. If you ask my husband he will tell you it has gotten much better since I read the book. I could not fathom the idea that God would play such a mean trick on my poor husband. It is not like a bad Christmas sweater that can be returned. The poor guy was stuck with me till death do us part. I obviously was not looking at myself in God's mirror. The word of God says this...." And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him... And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam... and he took one of his ribs.... And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man" Genesis 2:18,21-22 In the very beginning God new what our husbands needed and He had the foreknowledge to create us just for them. I find that humbling.
I want you to remember this, "A wise woman doesn't take anything for granted. She is thankful to be loved and seeks to make herself more lovely." (Debbie Pearl) Seeking to make yourself more lovely doesn't mean buying new and trendy makeup and clothes. It means a lot of hard work on the inside. It won't be easy and often it will be very unpleasant. (Sounds like a Christians day to day walk serving Christ huh? ) I can promise you like Christ did the disciples, it will all be worth it in the end.
Here are a few snippets from Debbie's book..... "If you are a wife, you were created to fill a need.... You are inferior to none as long as you function within your created nature, because no man can do your job......You were created to make him complete, not to seek personal fulfillment parallel to him. A woman trying to function like a man is as ridiculous as a man trying to be like a woman. A unisex society is a senseless society---a society dangerously out of order." I think she says it pretty clearly. We have a specific role in God's plan. Not an inferior role, but one of significance and utmost importance. How many times have you said to yourself or others," I don't know what he would do without me. Probably starve, live in filth and go naked." These things are untrue, but you can already see that God has placed the knowledge in your heart that you are important and your husband would not be complete without you. I hope your opinion of your husband isn't that bad, but if it is, hang with me and it will change. The world today has twisted our view of our role in creation. Try to leave all previous concepts behind and focus on God's design for us.
Think back to Adam for a second with me. " Does your husband share Adam's feelings of delight when he looks at you? Do you wake each morning ready to make your husband happy and blessed, to serve him to the best of your ability---to be his helper? Are you engaged in active goodwill toward your man? That is God's perfect will for you." This quote from Debbie's book may be a bitter pill. It was for me the first 3 times I read it. The reason it was, of course, because my husband didn't have feelings of delight when he looked at me. It was more of dreading the mood I might be in, or what I might gripe about next.
I will close with this from Debbie, " Women who do not want to do the will of God in regard to their husband remind me of atheists always ready with a few reasons not to believe, but never considering the many reasons to believe."

My prayer for you today is that you begin to seek God's will for your marriage if you haven't already.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Talk To Boys

If a boy has good health and an intelligent mind, the best thing that can happen to him is to have to make his own way in life; for every struggle increases his strength and every success gives him fresh courage and confidence, and whatever he wishes to be he can be. In this land of cheap books and free schools, if he desires and education he can get it. If he has a real thirst for knowledge, he can work his way through college as many another boy has done before him and enter nay profession he chooses.

The world is full of discontented and unhappy men, the cowards and deserters in the fight of life, lagging in the rear, hiding behind every shelter they can find, and grumbling because they cannot get somebody to fight and work for them. Envious of their neighbors who are better off, forgetting that other men have won their ease and comfort though their won industry and thrift, they blame everybody for their misfortunes except themselves. I do not know of what use such men are in this world, unless it be as warnings to the rising generation.

For Further Thought

  1. If you were a millionaire, how would you spend your money? Read Philippians 4:11-13. Do these Bibles verses give you any new ideas about how you would spend your money?

  2. Never say you cannot do a thing because you have not the chance. What goal would you like to accomplish but feel it's beyond your reach? (Hint: Move up to the next reading lever; get picked for the ball team; buy a computer.)

  3. What could you do today to move toward that goal?
from the book Talks to Boys by Eleanor A. Hunter originally published in 1890

The New School Year

As you prepare for your new school year you have a lot to think about. Don't lose sight of the end result. Your sanity and your child's education. Here is a list of things you can do to keep it all under control:
  1. Decide at the end of the year what curriculum worked and what did not.
  2. Make a purchase list for the new year.
  3. Check prices of all items you will need with several different places. I like www.rainbowresource.com, www.visionforum.com, www.christianbook.com, www.learningthings.com, & www.amazon.com Don't forget your local curriculum resale shop and home school convention.
  4. Buy a little at a time over the summer. This gives you time to collect the funds needed, but you can also do your lesson plans for the new year and not feel overwhelmed.
  5. Don't forget a good home school lesson plan book. I could not live with out mine!!!
  6. Set your daily class schedule. Include chores, volunteer opportunities, and family time. These things are all great learning times and can be included in your school day.
  7. Most of all be flexable. You may need to change things at a moments notice.
  8. Have fun!

Off To Camp He Went

Yesterday evening we sent our son off to his very first church camp. At almost 9 years old he of course felt he could take on the world. Mom was not so sure. He is out of my protection completely. All but one of the sponsors were not at all what I expected. Most of the children, except for 2, were rough. I knew my son was going to be up against it this trip. Would he remember his training and our teaching? Would the amount of those two things that we have been able to do in 9 short years be enough to combat things he might face? You see,he has been home schooled for 3 years, and I have to tell you the caliber of kids is different. They don't back talk, they are respectful, the young men shield their heart and eyes from they way most young girls dress and behave. My list could go on. Don't misunderstand my statements. I know several public schooled children who are of the same caliber of the children my son is around in the home school group. My heart feels for them because they fight a battle every time they go to school. They fight for their faith daily. Any way....I said all of that to say he is not used to this type of behavior. I wonder if this is how the Lord feels with us sometimes. I never let on to my apprehension as he joyfully loaded the bus with not even so much as a "bye Mom." I know what you must be thinking, but I didn't cry. My heart ached a little, but I did not cry. I don't want him to be afraid of the world outside his front door, only to be very cautious of it. There are so many things that I could write on this little incident in our lives, but here is what the Lord of Heaven has laid on my heart this morning.
I want to look at the idea of protection . When you think of the word protection you may think of safety. I did. I also thought of home, comfort, and those who love us. I thought of God and Bart, both of whom protect me. My bible defines the word protection like this: safe-keeping . The word protect was defined like this: to guard or shield. I have had someone who will remain nameless tell me out right that I can not protect my son from everything. I was called overprotective. (side note: this mother had a son who became a drug addict and is mentally unstable and a daughter who was raped at the age of 14 and also dabbled in drugs other things.) I became upset at this of course, but after the initial hurt I began to do some thinking. Is it wrong to protect our young children? Some would say yes and others no. However, I am not concerned with opinions. I am concerned with what the word of God has to tell us. Ecclesiastes tells us that wisdom is protection in verse 12 of chapter 7. Can a child of 9 years old have wisdom? In my sons case I have witnessed some but certainly not enough to turn him loose just yet. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 says this: But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. This verse brings me comfort. Even when we are not faithful we know that the Lord is. This reminds us that He is faithful and because of His faithfulness He will give us strength and protection from the evil one. As adults we are often unable to be faithful. How much more is a child? They simply don't have the years spent in the word or the experiences in the world against the evil one that we have. I am blessed to know that His protection over my son at this stage in his life doesn't depend on his faithfulness, but HIS faithfulness. God is righteous and good right???? So if He is going to protect His children from the evil one should we as parents not do the same? He is our perfect example of parenting. 2 Samuel 22:31 says this about God being our shield: "As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the Lord is tested; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him." This verse as well is a comfort. It reminds us as parents and children of God that His way is always best. It says His word is tested. Meaning we can bank on the word of God. He is our shield if we take refuge in Him.
Is protecting our children while they are young and impressionable wrong? Based on my devotion time with the Lord I would have to say NO. God wants to protect us as well. There is no wrong in God. Remember 2 Samuel... God is blameless. Keep your children protected and safe while you train them in the way they should go. Even the U.S. Marines won't put greenhorns who haven't had a stitch of basic training in the battles fray. Why should we be any different. Set up life's basic training for them everyday. Give them things to experience with in the safety you can provide. Teach them and train them well. Don't just turn them loose with a few bible verses from Sunday school and let them take on the world. TRAIN THEM!!! Weather or not we want to admit it this life is a battle, and I hate to say it, but my son is not ready for the front lines yet. He isn't even ready to bring up the rear. There is still to much to teach him. He can put the armour of God on , but can he really use it in battle yet? Well... for this situation, I have to rely on 2 Thes. 3:3 and pray that the Lord will protect him. Praying God's word over our children is so powerful. Don't forget that even though this was about my son and going to camp it can still be applied to our daily lives as well. Not just as parents, but as children of the Most High. We know what the armour of God is, but do we know how to use it ? If we do know what to do with it..... do we really use it daily to fight for God and our faith against the powers of the world and the principalities of the air? Do we remain under His protection by our obedience and faithfulness???

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our New Baby

I start today with a song in my heart, and lots of little kicks in my tummy. I must admit that I wanted a little girl so badly. However, since I saw our beautiful little boy in the sonogram yesterday I am overjoyed. The joy children bring is unlike any other.
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:3-5

I am not sure when the Lord turned my heart to having more children. I am only blessed that He did. We would love to have as many as the Lord sees fitting. My son Warren is a blessing and lots of work. I suppose 8 year olds can be that way. After the bad pregnancy the doctor allowed me to have I was scared to have any more. A c-section is a rough surgery, and it took my almost 8 years to recover and become healthy again. This time things have been different. I love being pregnant. What a gift God has given us women. To be able to nurture and grow a precious child of the Most High, and then He allows us to give birth and care for that little one.
We are given a great charge by the Lord. One in which we are to be Godly examples of His character to our children. When we are obedient to the Lord's commands He promises us this from Proverbs 31.
Her children rise up and bless her Proverbs 31:28
How wonderful to have your children bless you. This is simply another wonderful little treasure that God has for Godly mothers. Treasures are things that must be sought. They are precious and above any price put upon them. My favorite line from my favorite movie is, " It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the honor of kings to seek it out." The treasures of motherhood are just like that. I believe that God wants us to actively seek theses treasures every second of every day. If they simply laid about strewn on the ground we as humans, flawed, would only take them for granted. When we have to play an active role we appreciate all that the Lord has to offer us much much more. This doesn't only apply to our children. It applies to our walk with God as well. His Word and Truth is to be hidden in our hearts like a beautiful treasure to be shared with those we meet. When we dig deep and search and seek His will we are given treasure upon treasure. What treasure have you left unfound? Hidden away in the sands of everyday chores and stress. Dirty diapers, messy faces, hectic schedules............ Seek His face and you will be amazed how the jewels of God will fill your heart. Don't leave the precious rubies, emeralds and sapphires the Father has in store for you today left concealed in the craziness of life.
May the Great I am bless you greatly today as you seek the abundance He has for you.
And He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the LORD is his treasure. Isaiah 33:6
My son, if you will receive my words And treasure my commandments within you,
Make your ear attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding;
For if you cry for discernment, Lift your voice for understanding;
If you seek her as silver And search for her as for hidden treasures;
Then you will discern the fear of the LORD And discover the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2: 1-5
My son, keep my words And treasure my commandments within you. Proverbs 7:1
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21